Sunday, September 03, 2006

Antartic Divorce

Let's flashback two weeks. Text message from Fiona:
I loved seeing you downtown the other day. I miss you inside me. I really wish that you would accept me as your one and only. I have so much to give. I want you.

Voicemail from yesterday:
Hey Zed, I just wanted to call and say "hi". I know you were in town to see A Tribe Called Quest. I wish you would call me, but I'm sure that text message I sent you scared you off. But you knew how I felt anyway, didn't you? I hope you call me soon. I'd love to see you before you go.

Goodbye, Fiona. It's been swell.

I got back from Detroit this afternoon. It was an emotion filled weekend. I'm sad about leaving the city for what amounts to be the last summer I'll spend any time there.

I have to make amends to the women. All I saw was the trail of heartbreak I left behind. I ran into woman after woman that I fucked over, shitted on, blew off, or otherwise made miserable. It was like a fuckin' parade.

Thelma: I want to set you up with a girl.
KZ: Really?
Thelma: I sure do.
KZ: You're wiling to do that?
Thelma: If we can't be together, why not?

I guess. I'm still fighting my demons, working on being BETTER. That's such a nebulous sentiment, I know, but I want to be better in so many ways. Women are definitely my weakness, but I want to get on with my life. I want to get married and start having shorties. I'm fuckin' getting old. It's that time.



At 9/11/2006 08:15:00 PM, Blogger Nexgrl said...

It sounds like you are ready to leave Michigan completely. Between this and the recent posts on your other blog. Maybe you need to do like some of the other bloggers advised and import or only date professional transplants.


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