Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I can't stop! I went to the bookstore last night and bought The Covenant with Black America. Everytime I say I'll make due with the books I have, I buy more. I still got a book I bought before I moved to Satan's Anus, The 48 Laws of Power, that I'm smack dab in the middle of. I can't finish it. I've started and finished a gang of books in the interim.

I bought a Bible before I left Detroit, too. Still in the plastic wrapping. I was going to read it in a scholarly fashion, without a preacher's interpretation getting in the way of the words. I haven't gotten to it. I've been reading this blog this dude started on Slate.com where he's doing exactly what I'd planned to do. Read the Bible as a layman would with no external interpretation. Well, you snooze ya lose. I still plan to do my thing though.

I bought this book called The Naked Ape a few months ago that I'm anxious to get to. It's about body language and all the stuff you can deduce from just people watching. I always get sidetracked by another book. Books are like nerd heroin. You just can't turn off curiosity. I wish I could. So many subjects interest me.

The next book I want to get will be on the subject of sociobiology, the study of God and nature (i.e. the natural function of things). The leading light in this field, the originator of the field, is Edward O. Wilson. I'm curious about the craziest shit.

What I really need is a library card. The library in the town where I live (on the outskirts of Satan's Anus) has the same work hours as I do. I can't get a Satan's Anus Library Card without first getting one from my town's library. It's all fucked up and convoluted.

In the meantime, I guess I'll keep buying.


At 5/23/2006 01:58:00 PM, Blogger Knockout Zed said...

Buying a new book is the best feeling...damn, we are officially geeks!


At 5/23/2006 04:05:00 PM, Blogger Little Brown Girl said...

I have 3 books going right now too...don't feel bad. I bought "The Known World" which I am mid-way through; "Harlem," which I have only read one chapter of; and "My life as an Indian" which I think I have read about 10 pages of. I love books but the problem is I love a whole bunch of other shyt too...other shyt that keeps me from having a moments peace at least long enough to actually read anything.

My reading time has ended up being bathroom breaks LOL!! Ugh that was gross but it's true! But I swear I won't buy another book until I finish these.

At 5/23/2006 07:24:00 PM, Blogger Blah Blah Blah said...

Yea...your a geek...but I love ya anyway.

So your telling me all those books I saw on your floor in the living room are already read??

I would say we start a mail order book club...but you don't read my shit and I'm not smart enough to understand yours. Oh well.

At 5/24/2006 08:10:00 AM, Blogger The Stiltwalker said...

I collect children's books, poetry anthologies and other collections of authors that I like. But I think the library is a viable resource for those who are unable to afford having a personal collection. I'll always keep a lib card and visit. It's cool. (nerd)

At 5/24/2006 12:04:00 PM, Blogger Knockout Zed said...

This multiple book thing seems to be the trend amongst avid readers. I thing TV has fucked with our attention spans.

I'm more of a magazine reader in the bathroom. (I know TMI)

Exactly. I've read ALL THE BOOKS you saw on my livingroom floor. I need bookshelves. And a couch. And a dining room table. But you know that, don't you?

I don't find that many people that read the type of shit I do and vice versa. I'm willing to try a long distance (online) book club thing.

My father (an avid reader, too) has ridiculed me for keeping books. He reads 'em and boxes 'em. Then sells 'em at yard sales.

I need that library card. Pronto.


At 6/09/2006 01:12:00 PM, Blogger Honest said...

Gasp! I didn't realize you had another blog.

Books are the cat's meow and the one good thing about traveling long distances for work is all the reading I can get done.


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