Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Have At It

Life is unfair in soooo many facets, you just gotta learn to roll with the punches.

How the fuck do you let a one-eyed man parallel park your car? You see the muthafucka has bad depth perception and yet, you let him parallel park your shit. And then get upset when he hits the cars parked in front and in back of you.

That's how the fuck I feel listening to women complain about some cat. You saw that muthafuckas flaws like you were wearing a jeweler's eyepiece.

But the "limited" never makes way for the "limitless". Never. The limited are always gonna make it bad for the limitless and make one doubt the limitless. The limited is a safe, comfortable choice. So the limited always wins and the limitless is marginalized.

This whole thing (the blog) reads like a broken fuckin' record. Everywhere I look, some cat has stolen some woman's happiness, her ability to see goodness, her ability to recognize the possibility for true fulfillment exists. Her quality meter is shot and she blames the manifestation instead of the shoddy equipment.

So here I sit, curb dweller. Getting subliminals from the sublime. And I wait until the next mistake is made, either the "get-back" or the new mistake. When the next one is still found lacking, I might be here. I'll be here until I'm not here. And I won't be missed, because the limited has become the expected. Who's fault is it when one doesn't expect the unexpected?

This shit makes my fuckin' head hurt.



At 11/29/2006 10:12:00 AM, Blogger chele said...

It is unfair. What can you do? Nothing.

I'm guilty of seeing the flaws and ignoring them believing that I could fix 'em. My bad.

After a while we begin to believe that everyone has "something" wrong. It's hard to distinguish the limitless from the limited. How do we manage to erase the past and look at the present with fresh eyes? Some women just aren't willing to put their hearts on the line even if it means a possible lifetime of happiness. Her loss.

At 11/29/2006 10:13:00 AM, Blogger chele said...

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At 11/30/2006 11:16:00 AM, Blogger Dee said...

it is a common form of madness
and it is contagious

At 12/11/2006 06:12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because I refuse to get a blog I couldn't comment on your other page. Many Happy Returns! Hope you had a good time yesterday.


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